Okay, we know what you're thinking. Why on earth is an egg company trying to tell me what books I should read? We get it—it's a little odd. But the truth is that we really are all about Happiness here at Happy Egg. In fact, all of our employees at Happy Egg HQ have a quarterly "Advancing Happiness" priority where they choose a goal that will bring them personal Happiness. For some, it's achieving a new fitness milestone. For others, it's booking a kid-free vacation with their significant other, or learning to juggle, or keeping their plants alive.
We also know that sometimes Happiness sometimes looks a little different during certain seasons. Sometimes, Happiness looks like getting constructive feedback from your boss, or making a mistake that you have the opportunity to learn from.
No matter what season you're in, you deserve more Happiness, and you deserve to be equipped to find it. So, whip up your favorite egg dish, get comfy, and give one (or all!) of these books a read.
1. The Gifts of imperfection by brene brown

Another fun fact about Happy Egg is that we're big Brene Brown people—and this book is near the top of our list. Filled with practical, relatable practices that help you to get out of your own way and stop setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, this book teaches you to embrace your imperfections for a Happier life. Sounds cliche, but trust us—it's a book you won't regret reading.
2. Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge
Rightfully titled, "Get Your Life Back: Everyday Practices For a World Gone Mad," this book is filled with simple tips to recover what you've lost in today's crazy world. By teaching you the art of letting go, how to offer more kindness to yourself and your choices, and how to find beauty in the mundane, this book is one you'll think about long after you finish the last page.
3. The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
The Enneagram is one of the more recently popular personality tests, but is arguably one of the best when it comes to understanding yourself and those around you. Whether you already know your Enneagram type or are on the path to discovering it, this book is a must-read. Throughout the book, you learn about each Enneagram type and how they each see and walk in the world through real-life stories and examples, and how to harness the positives of your type (and how to navigate the not-so-pretty parts) in order to live a Happier life.
4. happier, no matter what by tal ben-shahar
We're major fan girls of Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar. In fact, a few of our leaders participated in his Happiness Studies Academy to learn more about the actual science of Happiness. In this book, Dr. Ben-Shahar breaks down the myth that happiness = success, and instead teaches his five-step staircase to finding more purpose in your life via spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional well-being.
5. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
We warned you we're big Brene Brown people, so don't be shocked to see another book from her on the list. It's no secret that being vulnerable isn't easy. In fact, it's often scary. In this book, Brene Brown uses 12 years of research into vulnerability to show that rather than being a weakness, vulnerability is a sign of courage; and when you're vulnerable, you're able to experience life with more purpose and meaning. This is one you'll want to keep on your bookshelf to come back to again and again.