Every time you crack open a blue carton of Heritage Breed eggs, a delightful surprise is inside. Blue & brown eggs! No other eggs compare, in our humble opinion. So, what gives these eggs their beauty? Well, it’s all due to the lovely birds that lay them! These beautiful Heritage Breed eggs are laid by two specialty breeds; the Speckled Legbar and the Copper Maran. It’s time you learned a little bit more about these one-of-a-kind hens.
Talk to us about the Speckled Legbar, what does she look like?
Most of our Speckled Heritage birds have a mixture of tan and almost lavender-colored feathers. The Speckled Legbar is a hybrid of the traditional legbar chickens. Because of this, some of them take after their great, great grandparents, the Cream Legbar and some of them look like the White Legbar. Occasionally, you’ll find a bird on the farm that looks like a Gold Legbar (okay queen). The Speckled Legbar is responsible for laying those pastel-blue eggshells. Mother Nature broke the mold when creating these gals!

Okay, now the Copper Maran. What does she look like?
The traditional Copper Maran itself is more of a black color with a green shine to its feathers. Green suits her well! The top of these birds' heads are copper-colored, just like the name states! The Copper Marans are responsible for laying those deep-chocolate-brown eggshells. And by chocolate we do not mean they are actual chocolate eggs; don’t get it twisted.

What is the Speckled Legbar’s personality like?
These birds are sassy and high energy! They have very clear vocalizations when they are being disturbed and have no qualms about letting you know when they do not want company. Chickens by nature are very curious and our speckled hens are no different. Once the flock has accepted the presence of the farmer, they will follow him/her through the house, watching and pretending to be uninterested.
What is the Copper Maran personality like?
Copper Marans are much more laid back and quiet. They warm up more easily to disturbances and prefer to stay in their comfort zone. Opposites attract, right? Every quiet Copper Maran needs a bold, Speckled best friend!
What do the birds like to do around the farm?
Our Speckled hens are more adventurous than their Copper friends and love to explore the space outdoors. They’ll explore the 8 acres of range to their heart’s content! Unlike their adventurous cousins, the Copper Marans like to dust bathe closer to the barn and get comfortable under the play kits for a nap. Doesn’t sound like too bad of a gig, huh.