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Our signature yellow and blue cartons are environmentally friendly and biodegradable— including the labels! Our (very few) plastic cartons found at select retailers are not biodegradable, but can typically be recycled.
That’s like asking: Why doesn’t my fifth cousin look like my twin? These hens may all be in the same family tree, but their appearances naturally evolve from one generation and family tree branch to the next. At the same time, egg characteristics like shell color and thickness, as well as yolk color and flavor, tend to remain consistent. Thanks for the mysteries, Mother Nature.
We could stare at those yolks all day. But we eat them way too fast to stare at them for long. We feed all our hens a nutrient-rich, proprietary (and quite frankly, expensive) feed mixture custom-designed for the health and beauty of the bird, as well as the best possible egg and yolk. In fact, this premiere feed is so fantastic that not all the ingredients are commercially available. When fed to our two special heritage breeds, the combo of this feed and the birds’ pecking on plants and insects outdoors adds up to a rich, delicious amber yolk.
It’s all in the genes, friends. The unique coloring of the shells of our Heritage eggs come from two distinct (and distinctly beautiful) breeds of birds.
At Happy Egg, the health and happiness of our hens comes first. All of our farms are certified organic, meaning they maintain year-round living conditions that promote the health and natural behaviors of our girls, including year-round access to the outdoors, shade, shelter, and clean eater, and meet the highest standards in terms of being pesticide and herbicide-free. The hens in our organic flocks, however, also enjoy a premium feed from grain farms that themselves are organic.
We follow USDA-approved practices on that front. This includes using soap and defoamer to clean our eggs, followed by UV light to sanitize their shells. Then we rinse Happy Eggs with fresh water, dry them, and pack them in our bright yellow cartons. We won’t even get into the ridiculous number of times a day we wash our hands these days. (Virtual high-five!)
Though we don’t anticipate you not eating all of your Happy Eggs in time, eggs can be refrigerated for three to five weeks from the day they are first placed in the refrigerator, per the USDA. Though the “Sell By” date will usually expire during that time period, your eggs should still be perfectly safe to use. Store your Happy Eggs in your fridge at 40°F or lower, and per our recommendation, eat ‘em up!
We know it’s disappointing when your favorite humane eggs are out of stock. Due to increased demand, we’re experiencing shortages; which could last through New Years 2025. Message us and we will work to make it up to you. Thanks for supporting humane farming!
Blue Sky Family Farm eggs offer a range of products for specialized needs—including Non-GMO, Soy-Free and white shelled outdoor access eggs. To learn more, click here.