Our Happy Egg farms are located primarily in the Ozark woodlands of Arkansas and Missouri. This region has gently rolling wooded hills for the hens, and a mild climate. This allows the hens the ability to go outside year-round, not just in the summer months. These regions also have an abundant fresh water supply and are closer to the grain fields where Happy Egg sources ingredients for its hens feed.

It depends on the egg! Our free range and pasture raised eggs come primarily from brown-egg-laying Lohmann breeds, best known for their laid-back personalities, bountiful egg-laying, and range-roving curiosity. We also have the easygoing, fun-loving, and sturdy Hyline breed hens in our mix. Our Heritage Breed Eggs are laid by two distinct breeds of birds: Heritage Blue and Heritage Brown hens. The Heritage Blue hens lay the beautiful pastel-blue-shelled eggs, while the Heritage Browns lay the deep, chocolate brown-shelled eggs.

Our hens have access to roam free out on the range each day until dusk. Our barn doors are open typically 8 hours and the hens have the freedom to go in and out of the barn during this time as they see fit. While we’re hard at work in the office, our hens are roaming around and soaking up some sun!

Our barns have convenient large doors— each are 18” high by 6-feet wide— that make it: a) easy for hens to come and go as they please, but also, b) safe for them to stay inside tucked away from the elements or any (rare) predator.

Hen safety is very important to us, and to make sure the hens are taken care of properly they are raised on small family farms where they receive close care and attention from the best farmers. Our farms all have tight-woven fencing around the land and vegetative cover from trees to protect our hens from rare predators.

Our hens get a well-rounded diet that supports both optimal nutrition and the best possible eggs. Their feed contains corn and soy mixed with all-natural vitamins and minerals. But their ability to graze on the range means they get their fair share of grass and bugs as well. What they NEVER get is any added meat, hormones, or preservatives. And the hens who lay our organic Happy Eggs eat only a 100% organic, non-GMO diet.

Both! Our hens eat our proprietary blend of whole grains, including both corn and soy, which they love! Soy is a great source of both protein and fat for our beloved birds’ nutrition.

All Happy Egg hens are raised with the highest animal welfare standards, which gives you an all-natural egg. We’re proud to offer both organic and conventional (non-organic) eggs. The only difference between the two is the hens’ feed. Our organic hens’ feed is fully non-GMO and comes from grain farms untouched by any hormones or antibiotics

No, we do not “debeak our hens.” As much as we love our hens and their quirky personalities, they can naturally become aggressive toward weakest members of the flock so we do have a policy on beak trimming which is in accordance with our American Humane Certification.

That’s like asking: Why doesn’t my fifth cousin look like my twin? These hens may all be in the same family tree, but their appearances naturally evolve from one generation and family tree branch to the next. At the same time, egg characteristics like shell color and thickness, as well as yolk color and flavor, tend to remain consistent. Thanks for the mysteries, Mother Nature.

How did the hen cross the road?   How did the hen cross the road?   How did the hen cross the road?  
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